Orders can be placed through the following way

RTP Compounds 4005A SI 2 PPA

RTP Compounds 4005A SI 2 PPA

产品名称:RTP Compounds 4005A SI 2 PPA. 当 前 价:面议. 最小起订:25Kg. . . . RTP Compounds 4005A SI 2 PPA RTP Compounds 4005A SI 2 PPA-详细说明:      
RTP Compounds 4005A SI 2 PPA RTP Company

型 号:4005A SI 2
商品名:RTP Compounds生产商:RTP Company随货提供:物性、MSDS、SGS(ROHS)、UL黄卡、FDA、COA、环保证书等。

美国 RTP Compounds系列PPA部份型号如下:

RTP Compounds 4005A SI 2 PPA RTP Company
RTP Compounds 4005A TFE 10 PPA RTP Company
RTP Compounds 4005A TFE 15 SI 2 PPA RTP Company
RTP Compounds 4006 PPA RTP Company

RTP Compounds 4003 A FR PPA 阻燃
RTP Compounds 4003 AR 10 PPA 良好的耐磨性
RTP Compounds 4003 FR PPA 阻燃
RTP Compounds 4003 FR A PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定
RTP Compounds 4003 FR A HS PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定
RTP Compounds 4003 TFE 15 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4004 A FR PPA 阻燃
RTP Compounds 4004 FR A PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定
RTP Compounds 4004 FR A HS PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定
RTP Compounds 4005 A FR PPA 阻燃
RTP Compounds 4005 A TFE 15 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 FR PPA 阻燃
RTP Compounds 4005 FR A PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定
RTP Compounds 4005 FR A HS PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定
RTP Compounds 4005 FR AL PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定,润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 HI PPA 冲击改性
RTP Compounds 4005 SI PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 SI2 HB PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 TFE 10 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 TFE 10 FR PPA 阻燃;润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 TFE 13 SI 1 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 TFE 13 SI 2 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 TFE 15 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 TFE 15 SI 2 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 TFE 5 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005.3 A FR PPA 阻燃
RTP Compounds 4005.3 FR PPA 阻燃
RTP Compounds 4005.3 FR A PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定
RTP Compounds 4005.3 FR A HS PPA 阻燃剂,热稳定
RTP Compounds 4005.3 HS PPA 热稳定
RTP Compounds 4005 SI 2 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005 TFE 10 PPA 润滑
RTP Compounds 4005A TFE 15 SI 2 PPA 润滑


RTP Compounds 4005A SI 2 PPA
APEX 65002 PVC
HiFill PA6/6 0190物性表
韩三星第一毛织 ABS SD-0150
西班牙雷普索尔 EBA PA20020
上海拜耳 PC/ABS FR3005 901510
Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) TC8AAZ(a)(*), TC9AAD(a)(*) UL黄卡
Polybutylene/Polyethylene Terephthalate (PBT/PET) 865 UL黄卡
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene/Polybutylene Terephthalate (ABS/PBT) TX66F&
Polycarbonate (PC) 302(x)B, 302(x)R, 302(x)IR, 302(x)PIR, 302(x)PR, 302(x)U
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