产品名称:现供 Starex HF-5670 SAN. 当 前 价:面议. 最小起订:25kg. . . . 现供 Starex HF-5670 SAN现供 Starex HF-5670 SAN-详细说明:
Starex HF-5670 SAN Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries
型 号:SAN HF-5670生产商:Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries(SAN)系列部份型号如下:
Starex HF-5670 SAN Samsung, a division of Cheil IndustriesStarex HF5920C SAN Samsung, a division of Cheil IndustriesStyvex 32000 BK SAN Ferro CorporationStyvex 32002 NA SAN Ferro CorporationSypex S1420GN SAN Ginar Technology Co., LTD.Sypex S1620GB SAN Ginar Technology Co., LTD.SAN (AS) 加工: